Why use the acceptance and evaluation technique?



The Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria technique is a must-know skill for any business professional. It analyzes a set of criteria and determines the best possible solution.

According to BABOK, acceptance criteria are used to define the requirements, outcomes, or conditions a solution must fulfill to be considered acceptable to key stakeholders. Evaluation criteria are a set of requirements used to choose between multiple solutions to a particular problem.

Evaluation criteria and acceptance criteria

Acceptance Criteria

The defined criteria must be met for a solution to be complete, correct, and worth implementing. Test cases can and should be written to evaluate the solution against these defined and agreed-upon acceptance criteria.

Evaluation Criteria

The criteria are designed to allow scoring the various solutions under consideration. To evaluate potential solutions, this set of requirements is prioritized and ranked by order of importance. The solutions will then be rated according to the ranked set of requirements using a preestablished evaluation scale. A solution that doesn’t meet a must-have requirement should be removed from consideration.

BABOK’s visual explanations

Why use the acceptance and evaluation technique?​


How to use the technique of acceptance and evaluation

Use Case

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  • an explanation of when and how to use it,
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  • references for further reading,


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